Meetn: How to Add Your LinkedIn Page or Profile to Your Livestream

Published by Smart Office

Ready to elevate your network? RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) streaming offers a powerful way to broadcast high-quality video directly to your followers on LinkedIn. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up RTMP streaming for LinkedIn for your Meetn events.

  • Go to
  • Under New stream, select Go live now.
  • Under Create a post, select the profile or LinkedIn Page you want to stream to.
    • If you’re streaming to a profile, you can select the level of visibility you want for the post.
    • You can draft the associated post copy and tag members or Pages.
  • Under Your stream details, add a Title for your stream.
  • In the Stream settings tab, pick your region. Not all regions have a dedicated source in the Region dropdown list. If you don’t see your region, you can still go live by selecting the region closest to you. Each region is allocated a certain bandwidth, and sometimes regions run out of available bandwidth. If this happens, try selecting another region close to you.
  • Click Get URL. Copy the Stream URL and Stream Key.
  • In a separate tab, go to and log into your room. Do not close the LinkedIn tab.
  • Click Stream Manager, then Add Destination, and select Custom RTMP.
  • Enter your URL and Stream Key from LinkedIn.
  • Click Add RTMP Server.
  • When you’re ready to go live, give your stream a Title and Select the destinations you want to include in your stream
  • Click Start Streaming to stream to your selected destinations.
  • You’ll see a preview within the LinkedIn custom stream page.
    • The preview is limited to 10 minutes.
    • If you’re testing the stream, don’t click Go live as this will broadcast the event to your audience.
  • When you’re ready, click Go live in the upper-right corner.

Follow the practices above to improve client engagement and watch satisfaction rates soar! And check out our other articles for more advice on specific industries and use cases.