How to Control Your Anger

Frustrated? Confused? Don’t know what is going wrong? Smart Office presents the ultimate guide to troubleshooting audio conferencing issues, so you can keep calm and collaborate on.

Why can’t my hosts or guests connect to the conference?

If you hold a conference call and no one attends it, did it even happen? Let’s troubleshoot why callers might have difficulty connecting with you.


Are you using the correct dial-in number and conference ID?

The most common reason callers fail to connect is a transposed dial-in number or conference ID. Double check that you have sent the correct information to your callers, and that they are dialing the correct number. If they still have trouble connecting, contact us.


Are you dialing in with a prepaid or low-cost mobile or VoIP phone?

Some callers receive an “out of network” error message when attempting to dial a conference line. This most frequently happens with low cost or prepaid cellular or broadband phone service. These carriers may charge a premium to connect to call center and conference numbers. If this happens, your caller should contact their carrier to upgrade their service plan.


Have you experienced dropped calls or disconnections?

We recommend using a landline phone to connect to audio conference lines when possible. Mobile phone users should dial in from a location with maximum coverage bars and stay in that spot for the duration of the call. Broadband callers can check their service stability using this free Packet Loss Test. If high packet loss is detected, they should report their results to their cable or internet service provider (ISP).

Why am I hearing echoes or feedback on the line?

When you hold a conference, you expect to hear from a wide variety of callers. So it’s pretty disappointing when all you hear is your own voice, echoed back to you. Let’s fix that!


Are you using a speakerphone or laptop microphone?

Speakerphones or built-in laptop microphones are notorious for creating echoes and feedback. For single callers, use a plug-in USB or 9mm headset for hands-free participation. And for conference rooms, we recommend investing in a conference bridge phone. These phones are built to minimize echoes, hum, buzz, and background noise on your call.


Do you allow callers to unmute while you are presenting?

We all want to maximize engagement and audience participation on our calls. Unfortunately, when all of your callers are allowed to unmute at any time, it can result in echoes and background noise – especially when those callers are on speakerphones. To reduce noise, use conference controls to mute callers at the start of your call.


Is someone attempting to make a three-way call?

Sometimes, callers or hosts will attempt to make a three-way call to bring speakers, guests, or audio into a conference. This can introduce echoes or feedback into the call. We recommend that all callers use the dial-in number and conference ID to join the conference. Admins can also upload MP3 files to their account to play music or other audio on their calls.

How can I keep people from accessing my calls without permission?

Sometimes, the point of a conference is to throw the doors wide open wide and let everyone peek inside. But what if you need privacy? Let’s take a look at ways to lock down your call.


Are you using an old Conference ID or direct dial number?

We get it – change is hard. But sometimes, change is the only way to protect your conference calls from prying ears. If you are experiencing too many unwanted callers, you can contact us to request an updated dial-in number or passcode at any time.


Do you want to permanently ban a caller ID?

If you know a person’s Caller ID (their phone number), you can ban them using your online dashboard. Simply log in to your conference control panel and select “ANI Block” on the lefthand side of your dashboard. Choose your conference ID from the dropdown menu and enter the caller’s 10-digit caller ID with no dashes or spaces (ie: 7124141234). Press “Add ANI” to add the caller ID to your block list.

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